Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile

EVENTI - Sito tematico ENEA

Agrifood Research & Innovation: Exploring the role of Structural Biology

Agrifood Research & Innovation: Exploring the role of Structural Biology

How structural biology can support the agrifood sector?

The EU project iNEXT-Discovery enables access to structural biology research infrastructures for all European researchers to enable and facilitate transnational research and discovery, including non-experts in structural biology.

Structural Biology technologies can be applied in a variety of research field. This event focuses specifically to the Agrifood with the aim to present the opportunities provided by Structural Biology in this field. To this end this event gather together representative of the scientific community and relevant stakeholders from both the academic and the industry, to present and discuss the application of structural biology in this field, share the points of view and main needs of food businesses, from primary production to food and drink industry. The event aims at creating a bridge between Structural Biology platforms and the research food community at large, providing opportunities for inter-sectoral research collaborations and supporting translational research relevant for health, biotechnology, biomaterials, and food science.



Caratteristiche dell'evento

Inizio evento 06-05-2024 10:00
Termine evento 06-05-2024 18:00
Riferimenti organizzativi

Referente tecnico-scientifico:
Claudia Zoani

Segreteria Organizzativa:
Eventi ENEA

Luogo Centro Congressi Cavour - Roma



10:00-10:30 Registratione

10:30-10:45 Welcome and brief introduction on iNEXT-Discovery

10:45-11:05 “High- and low-resolution NMR analysis of food samples... and some
                      tricks to improve it” - Prof. Krzysztof Kazimierczuk (University of Warsaw)

11:05-11:25 “Analyzing protein-ligand interaction by NMR. A case of green tea
                      polyphenols with SARS-COV2proteases” - Prof. Miguel A Rodríguez (EURECAT)

11:25-11:40 Coffee Break

11:40-12:00 “Functional properties of whey proteins and their hydrolysates” - Prof. Nataša Poklar Ulrih (University of Ljubljana)

12:00-12:20 “Combining high-resolution mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance to improve metabolite detection in response to agro-sustainable treatments””
                      Prof. Federica Bianchi (University of Parma)
12:20-12:40 “Metabolomics for pathway discovery and food quality improvement“ - Dr. Gianfranco Diretto (ENEA)

12:40-13:20 Round table 1 Stakeholders’ perspectives (30’ + 10 discussion)

13:20-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-14:50 “NMR relaxometry for accessing food quality and authenticity” - Prof. Danuta Kruk (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn)

14:50-15:10 “NMR and food matrix studies: structure, bioaccessibility and digestion“ - Dr. Carlo Mengucci (University of Bologna)

15:10-15:30 “High resolution structural biology: methodologies and applications“ - Prof.ssa Beatrice Vallone (Sapienza University of Rome)

15:30-16:15 Round table 2 Stakeholders’ perspectives (30’ + 15 discussion)

16:15-16:30 Concluding remarks




Iscrizioni concluse
