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Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile

EVENTI - Sito tematico ENEA

e-SHyIPS Final Event

e-SHyIPS Final Event

The e-SHyIPS partnership is pleased to announce the final event of the project, which will be held at the end of a four-years journey undertaken on the route of research in hydrogen for the maritime transport.

This initiative aims at presenting key findings and main achievements from the project, hence outlining future directions and bringing this project to its successful conclusion.

The event will represent an opportunity to further promote and enhance discussions and collaborative efforts between e-SHyIPS partners and all interested parties, assess the impact of e-SHyIPS and explore together the next steps towards a hydrogen-powered future in shipping.

VENUE : Politecnico di Milano, Via Lambruschini, 4 – 20156, Milan - Building BL28, Aula Magna Carassa e Dadda



Caratteristiche dell'evento

Inizio evento 13-12-2024 09:00
Termine evento 13-12-2024 18:00



e-SHyIPS Final Event

09:00 Networking coffee - Reception and Registration

10:00 Welcome & opening - Project Coordinator

10:30 Advancement and Future of Hydrogen in the EU - Lionel Boillot, Project Manager, Clean Hydrogen Partnership

11:00 Outcomes from e-SHyIPS - e-SHyIPS partners

12:30 Keynote - e-SHyIPS Advisory Board

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Keynote - Lorenzo Pollicardo, SYBAss, IMO works participant

14:30 Cluster projects - Projects: Flagships, RHIWER, SHIP-AH2OY, H2PORTS, FuelSOME, ELVHYS

15:30 The e-SHyIPS CEN Workshop Agreement - UNI Italian Standards Body

16:00 Keynote - Onder Canbulat, PhD, IMO Delegate

16:30 Farewell aperitivo

